Two purposes for this site: 1. Personal reference dispatcher; 2. Passer-by's accidental reference.
The motivation comes from a project to solve a combined truck-drone delivvery optimization problem, termed as TSP with a drone (TSPD).
The PhD thesis by SCIP creator Tobias Achterberg
Integrated methods for optimization by John Hooker
Decision diagrams for optimization by Bergman, Cire, van Hoeve and Hooker
More detailed references coming up soon...
My curiosity mainly comes from this beautiful survey on KLS conjecture by Lee and Vempala. To parse the survey, I find the following the following beautifl materials:
An elementry introduction to modern convex geometry by Keith Ball
The original localization paper by Kannan, Lovász and Simonovits
Eldan's stochastic localization paper used a random reweighting of the original density using Brownian motion, so that a Gaussian term will pop out in expectation
Lee & Vempala adopted Eldan's construction to obtain the current state-of-the-art
Last two papers require knowledge about stochastic calculus, which can be found in Lee & Vempala.
The motivation comes from a project to use RL to plan the speed for automatic driving.
David Silver's beautiful course
OpenAI's spinningup tutorial and many references therein